IMPORTANT NOTICE: These engines were originally developed for Mac OS 9 and remain the best choice for that platform. However, since Apple's introduction of Intel based Macintosh computers you will likely have better success with Quake engines provided by other developers. Please refer to the Other Mac Quake Engines section for links and details. |
All applications below are CFM Carbon (run native on MacOS8/9 and PowerPC MacOSX). Please see the FAQ for system requirements, troubleshooting and tips.
Webmasters: PLEASE link to this page and not individual files. Many of these files are interdependent, and lead to mirror lists that cannot be linked to directly. Thank You.
The archives below can be decompressed with Stuffit Expander.
GLQuake DOWNLOAD version 1.1b3 (size: 491K) released: 07.05.02
Contains the GLQuake game application. Full version of Quake, or the Quake Shareware files (available below) are required to play. |
GLQuakeWorld DOWNLOAD version 1.1b3 (size: 440K) released: 07.05.02
Contains the GLQuakeWorld game application (multiplayer only version of Quake). Full version of Quake required to play. |
Quake Shareware (Game Content) DOWNLOAD (size: 8.2MB)
Contains the game content from the PC Quake Shareware release, re-packaged in a Mac-friendly format. This allows you to play the first of four episodes of Quake, 8 levels in all. The GLQuake application linked above is required to play. |
GLHexen 2 DOWNLOAD version 1.1b3 (size: 983K) released: 07.05.02
Contains the GLHexen 2 game application. Full version of Hexen 2 required to play. |
GLHexen 2 Mission Pack DOWNLOAD version 1.1b3 (size: 529K) released: 07.05.02
Contains the GLHexen 2 Mission Pack game application. Full versions of Hexen 2, and the 'Portal of Praevus' Mission Pack are required to play. |
GLHexen 2 Demo DOWNLOAD version 1.1b3 (size: 983K) released: 07.05.02
Contains the GLHexen 2 Demo game application. Hexen 2 Demo game content (available below) required to play. |
Hexen 2 Demo (Game Content) DOWNLOAD (size: 12.8MB)
Contains the game content from the PC Hexen 2 Demo release, re-packaged in a Mac-friendly format. This allows you to play the first 3-map 'Hub' of Hexen 2 and includes 1 multiplayer map. The GLHexen 2 Demo application linked above is required to play. |
Hexen 2 Intro Movie DOWNLOAD from off-site mirror list (size: 33.4MB)
This is the original Hexen 2 Intro movie converted to Quicktime format. Just drop it into your Hexen 2 folder to have it play when launching the game. (You may have to hold down the apple key while launching Hexen 2 to set the proper preference). Alternately, it can be viewed with any Quicktime Player.
NOTE: The GLHexen 2 Mission Pack application will not play this movie, as it has it's own in-engine introduction demo sequence. |
MacNehahra Downloads (Free Quake Add-On) |
MacNehahra DOWNLOAD version 1.1b3 (size: 559K) released: 07.05.02
Contains the MacNehahra game application. Full version of Quake, and the Nehahra game content files are required to play.
Visit the official Nehahra Project Website for the game content downloads, and information on installing and playing Nehahra. The 'The Seal Of Nehahra' movie/demo is also compatible with this MacNehahra application. Please read ALL the instructions in the game content archives for proper installation.
NOTE: The MacNehahra application linked on the Nehahra download page is out of date, please use the one linked above.